Why pro-lifers must reclaim city councils across Canada
Pro-abortion efforts often go unnoticed at the municipal level of government but are nothing short of devastating for the pro-life movement. From restrictions on spreading the pro-life message to outright bans on abortion victim photography in some cities, it is time for pro-lifers to be taking action right in their home town.
With municipal elections coming up in various provinces this fall, it is vital that we elect pro-life city councillors. Because of the general monotony of the proceedings of city councils, many of their actions go unnoticed by the public. What people must start realizing is that pro-abortionists have taken this opportunity to spread their pro-death agenda as subtly as possible. They get elected as city councillors, and then are forgotten and free to implement policies that often restrict pro-life activists in their work.
Examples of infiltrations of this sort are not restricted to one town or city; rather, they can be seen across Canada.
In Ontario alone, there are several cities threatening to prohibit the display and distribution of abortion victim photography. London and Toronto are among the many cities where this censorship is being pushed. In Toronto, it was two of their city councillors that put forward motion MM45.22 to restrict exposing the horrific crime of abortion.
Abortion victim photography is very powerful and can instantly change minds and hearts, bringing them to understand this horrible injustice. It is something I personally witnessed while engaging in activism in Hamilton. Some passersby were instantly struck by the image, others walked by but came back a short while later to hear what we had to say. Some acknowledged the horror and wrong of abortion, others simply declared they would no longer remain neutral on the subject.
Whether or not these people became strictly pro-life, we will likely never know. However, what we do know is that they were shown the truth of abortion and began thinking about it in the light of what it really is: a horrific violation of human rights.
This direct attack on pro-life efforts by city councils is no small matter. And, the attacks have a way of spreading and growing. First, it is only one or two cities, and then suddenly it grows to become province and then nation wide. Muzzling pro-life speech results in the true horror of abortion becoming entirely hidden from so many. When we cannot show people the truth, it will be so much harder to reach them and change hearts.
Another concerning issue is the prohibition of pro-life advertisements on buses in various cities. Guelph and Area Right to Life was just one such group that was targeted for their bus ads. These advertisements were depicting pregnant women or preborn babies, with the message to ‘say no to abortion.’
Were these signs intimidating? No. Was anyone forced to look at them? No. Did anyone force women to not get abortions because of these signs? No. And yet, they were deemed to be ‘inaccurate’ and ‘demeaning to women’ by the Ads Standards Canada and removed from Guelph buses.
Though the matter was taken to court and the judges ruled in favor of the pro-lifers, we cannot let it get that far and count on a fair ruling. We must act preemptively in order to keep this violation of free speech from happening elsewhere.
A similar case also happened in Lethbridge, Alberta. The pro-life ads on buses were removed, the city was taken to court, and the advertisements were restored. Again, while a great victory, it should never have been taken that far in the first place.
It may seem somewhat trivial to go to such lengths to save a few bus signs, but it is so much more dangerous than it seems at surface level. The pro-life movement is constantly under attack and being singled out for exposing abortion as the greatest human rights injustice.
Most citizens would be opposed if city councilors were to begin censoring images of the holocaust or slavery because they claimed they were fake or too disturbing. Most would be opposed to banning literature that condemns those horrible injustices. Why, then, do some see no problem in normalizing the censorship of abortion victim photography? Why do some see no problem in normalizing censoring ads that urge against killing one's own child?
It is becoming normalized because more and more of our elected councillors are not recognizing the child in the womb as human, rather that it is a matter of women’s rights and will push their agenda at every chance. There are more examples nationwide of this behavior.
In Halifax, Nova Scotia, there is a request put to the mayor by the Halifax Women’s Advisory Committee that is asking him to write a formal letter to the country’s health minister “opposing any bill or motion that is intended to restrict abortion or reduce access to abortions in Canada.” The approval and authorship of such a letter could open the door for Halifax to implement strict pro-abortion policies with strong support.
Calgary, Alberta, currently has a ban on pro-life signs within 150 meters of any school, if larger than a postcard. While not explicitly stating that it is pro-life messages they want to restrict, so as to hide their anti-life motive, it is pro-life organizations that are directly and most highly impacted.
This bylaw amendment has been in place since 2020, so it is clear that the challenges to pro-abortion policies will be resolved in favour of free speech. The bylaw is eventually normalized and forgotten until the next step further, the next push against the pro-life movement comes along, and by then it is harder for us to push back.
From these examples, it is clear that the pro-abortion policies are not restricted to federal or provincial governments. This work happens at every single level of government and pro-lifers need to know about it. They need to oppose it. They need to run for city council and secure our freedoms of speech and expression.
Personally, I only found out recently how truly harmful pro-abortion work can be at the municipal level. I’m sure there are many other Canadians who, like me, pay attention to the hype of the leadership elections, the provincial and federal elections, but are oblivious to what happens in their own city.
This year, Pro-life Canadians need to get involved in their local municipal elections. If you are interested in running, know someone who is, or you want to defeat a pro-abortion incumbent, reach out to our elections team at elections@campaignlifecoalition.com.
The upcoming municipal elections in Canada this year are in Ontario, on October 24th, British Columbia on October 15th, Manitoba on October 26th, Prince Edward Island on November 7th, the City of Yellowknife in the Northwest Territories on October 16th, and Hamlets in the Northwest Territories on December 12th.